Posted on March 1, 2014 by Gary DeMar
This story’s from Canada. But don’t worry, before you know it, a similar thing will happen in the United States. It will be interesting to see how liberals and their willing judicial accomplices will respond.
“Barbers in Toronto who refused to cut a woman’s hair have become the target of a human rights complaint, in a case that pits religious freedom against gender equality. When Faith McGregor went into the Terminal Barber Shop requesting a short haircut, she was told the shop only grooms men. The reason, co-owner Omar Mahrouk said, was that as a Muslim he could not cut the hair of a woman who was not related to him.”
The barber appealed to his Islamic religious beliefs for the refusal. This would be similar to an orthodox Jew or Islamic butcher who refused to slaughter a pig because of specific religious requirements regarding handling certain unclean meats.
While the rejection was not because the woman was a lesbian, it raises the same types of issues since the refusal of service had to do with gender. Under Canadian law, “business owners aren’t supposed to discriminate based on gender.” So what’s a Muslim barber to do?
Kind of makes you wonder why she picked this particular barber shop? Of all the barber shops in Toronto, she goes to one that is known for its Islamic beliefs. The place has been in business 1925 and no one has complained. Life goes on, even with the discrimination