By Robert Wenzel - January 11, 2019 at 10:02AM

The neocons are back in action with a new media outfit after the collapse of The Weekly Standard.
A new online news site, The Bulwark, was launched on Monday.
It features many neocons from the recently shut down TWS.
Charles Sykes, formerly a contributing editor at The Weekly Standard, is editor-in-chief, Bill Kristol founder of The Weekly Standard, is editor-at-large, a position he recently held at TWS.
Other TWS staff joining The Bulwark include Rachael Larimore, Jim Swift, Benjamin Parker, Hannah Yoest, Andrew Egger and Jonathan Last —along with new writers and new contributors who were not affiliated with TWS.
But here is the thing, The Bulwark is a project of the Defending Democracy Together Institute.
DDTI is a 501(c)(3) organization. It has been financed in part by left-wing mega-donor Pierre Omidyar. He has donated at least $600,000 in two grants via his 501(c)(4) group Democracy Fund Voice.
DDTI was also awarded $150,000 from the left-leaning William and Flora Hewlett Foundation in September 2018. The grant was paid to the Institute through DonorsTrust.
In other words, ever the opportunists, the neocons have are now cozying up with the left to get sponsors to promote their "American exceptionalism," which is essentially a call for war everywhere on earth.
Reprinted with permission from Target Liberty.
from Ron Paul Institute NeoCon Watch