Let us remember that the 9-12 Protest Must not be the goal, but a mile marker on our journey to take our government back from the criminals who have take our great republic hostage. She has been hijacked since the early 1900s, but never so boldly as she is now. Bold contempt by our politicians towards not only us in the movement, but the American People as a whole. Ignoring our desires against bailouts for their corporate fatcat buddies and on and on and on.
God Bless America
Promoting personal Liberty through: Limited government, by restoring the power to the people first, then local government, then state government and then the federal government being bound by the Constitution. Sound Economic Policy, by abolishing the Federal Reserve, a private bank charging our Government for the money it prints us. A real Government-free Free Market. A Non-interventionist foreign policy, that doesn't interfere with foreign sovereign states internal policies.