Thursday, February 6, 2014

Firefighter cuffed by cops at scene of highway crash


More Police State Tactics in America?

Commentary by Kirby Harris

coparrestsfirefighteratcrashsceneAs most of you are aware incidents where police are acting above and beyond their authority allows them, abusing citizens like the girl in Charlottesville who was arrested by police who didn’t identify themselves for her buying a bottle of Evian water.

Now it has even spread to first responders like this firefighter being arrested. Isolated incident?  Nope, because this isn't the first time this has happened, as the video explains that police around the country are arresting more firefighters while in the midst of life threatening emergencies.

Are our police becoming to militant and out of control, or is media just catching what has been going on for decades? Well, as far as I know police arresting firefighters was unprecedented until recently.

Watch the video below and decide for yourself:




Tags: Police, State, Firefighter, First Responders, Arrested, Accident Scene  #policestate