Saturday, March 22, 2014

Speaker Howell is Key to Defeating Obamacare in Virginia

Message from John Tate, President of Campaign for Liberty

Campaign for Liberty






Our fight to save Virginia from ObamaCare has reached a crucial moment.

Thanks to the actions of Virginia Campaign for Liberty members like you and other dedicated liberty activists, the House of Delegates has so far refused to go along with a plan to stick language creating an ObamaCare “exchange” and implementing ObamaCare’s costly Medicaid expansion into the Virginia state budget.

As you may know, Governor Terry McAuliffe has called a special legislative session to convene next Monday and is pouring the pressure on the General Assembly to quickly pass a budget that includes ObamaCare expansion.  In fact, Governor McAuliffe has said he will not sign a budget that does not create an ObamaCare exchange and expand Medicaid.

Maintaining the support of Speaker of the House Bill Howell is essential to stopping ObamaCare’s full effects from coming to Virginia.

You see, if Speaker Howell gives in to the heat and cuts a deal with the Senate and Governor McAuliffe, it would likely end the opposition by causing enough Republicans to vote with him to send ObamaCare expansion to Governor McAuliffe’s desk.

But if he stands firm, it is unlikely ObamaCare expansion will pass the House.

So far, Speaker Howell has held his position, but he is under a lot of pressure from special interests to cave in to the Governor.

So please call Speaker Howell at (804) 689-1028 and tell him to keep opposing any budget “compromise” that creates an ObamaCare exchange and/or contains ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion.

Then, sign your petition to Speaker Bill Howell urging him to hold the line and strongly oppose any attempt to implement ObamaCare in Virginia!

Expanding ObamaCare would be a disaster for Virginia, shackling us with higher taxes, less freedom, more fraud, and lower quality medical care.

Speaker Howell’s continued opposition to any expansion of ObamaCare in the budget is crucial to protecting Virginians from ObamaCare’s full effects.

So please call Speaker Howell at (804) 689-1028 and tell him to stand firm and not agree to any budget “compromise” that includes Medicaid expansion and/or a state exchange.

In Liberty,

John Tate


P.S. As you may know, Governor Terry McAuliffe has called a special session of the General Assembly to convene next Monday and is pouring the pressure on the General Assembly to quickly pass a budget that includes ObamaCare expansion.

Speaker of the House Bill Howell has so far held the line, and his continued opposition to bringing more ObamaCare to the Commonwealth is essential to achieving victory in this fight.

We must make our voices clearly heard.

So please call him at (804) 689-1028 today and tell him to keep opposing the latest plan to subject Virginians to ObamaCare’s full effects.

Then, sign your petition to Speaker Bill Howell urging him to hold the line and strongly oppose any attempt to implement ObamaCare in Virginia!